Our team is here to help.
Unfortunately, we are aware of a fraudulent group representing themselves as US Solar and making calls regarding residential rooftop solar installations. If you receive a call purporting to be from US Solar about a residential rooftop system (or if you are unsure whether the call was made from our company), please stop the call and request a call back number.
Please know that our team may call you regarding community solar subscriptions, but we do not make any phone calls to homeowners regarding rooftop solar installation in any state.
323 Washington Ave N, Suite 350
Minneapolis, MN 55401
2150 Post Road, Suite 505
Fairfield, CT 06824
233 S Wacker Drive, Floor 44
Chicago, IL 60606
33 Arch Street,
Boston, MA
1801 California Street, Suite 2400
Denver, CO 80202
4201 Wilson Blvd, 3rd Floor,
Arlington, VA 22203